@misc{Grzelak_Aleksander_Pro-environmental, author={Grzelak, Aleksander and Borychowski, Michał and Staniszewski, Jakub}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={The main aim of the article is to identify pro-environmental actions in farms in the Wielkopolska region. The article uses the results of surveys carried out in 2020 in a group of 120 agricultural holdings from Wielkopolska running agricultural accounting according to the FADN (Farm Accountancy Data Network) system. The time scope of the analyses referred to the period 2016-2019, and in the case of economic data to 2018.}, abstract={The issue of proenvironmental activity on farms is complex due to the integration of the economic and environmental dimensions, which requires further scientific knowledge. It was found that the investigated farms in Wielkopolska, which undertook pro-environmental actions, most often realized it in the area of land improvement. The farms which showed the highest activity in terms of undertaken pro-environmental measures were more strongly connected with the market. The managers of these farms are open to innovative ecological solutions despite their quite high age (e.g. half of them are planning to install photovoltaics).}, abstract={It was also found that it was easier for larger farms to carry out pro-environmental measures due to the wider possibilities of income creation. In the case of smaller farms, there is a greater need to implement measures from the area of pro-environmental investments. In turn, in larger units, measures reducing production intensity, and in all groups concerning land improvement.}, title={Pro-environmental actions of agricultural farms - example of holdings from the Wielkopolska region = Działania prośrodowiskowe gospodarstw rolnych - przykład gospodarstw z Wielkopolski}, type={artykuł}, keywords={farm, environment, incomes, Wielkopolska region, pro-environmental activity, gospodarstwo rolne, środowisko, dochody, Wielkopolska, aktywność prośrodowiskowa}, }