@misc{Manko_Barbara_A._Considerations, author={Manko, Barbara A.}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={After widespread use of work-from-home (a.k.a. `remote work`) during the COVID-19 pandemic, many organizations intend to continue or expand its use into the future. This paper presents a literature review and results from an original survey, both of which point to key considerations for planners and managers. Subjects that are highlighted include: giving remote workers access to job-related information they need; recognizing that certain types of tasks may be more challenging to manage in WFH, such as loosely specified tasks and those involving substantial change or newness; and issues that arise in regard to morale and motivation.}, title={Considerations in the use of work-from-home (WFH) for post-pandemic planning and management}, type={artykuł}, keywords={work-from-home, WFH, remote work, post-pandemic management, post-lockdown management, giving access to information, praca zdalna, praca z domu, pandemia, lockdown, organizacja pracy, dostęp do informacji}, }