@misc{Bugajski_Marian_(1949_-)_Kilka, author={Bugajski, Marian (1949 -)}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The article refers to various definitions of the concept of identity, however, its purpose is not to define, because such attempts have been made several times both by linguists as well as by researchers of other disciplines. The objective of the paper is to focus attention on the fact that the concept itself comprises many aspects. The other goal of the paper is to encourage further discussion on the subject.}, abstract={From grammatical point of view the category of a person is important here, from the communicative point of view it is the relation "sender-receiver". Bearing this in mind, identity can be approached as an answer to the questions: Who am I? Who are You?, or What am I like?, What are you Like?. Then, identity is defined by people participating in the speech. They have a possibility of negotiating, fixing an answer - they have an opportunity to speak about their identity and to assign certain features to themselves. Then, we can talk about the active identity.}, abstract={The third person, as it is commonly known, does not take part in the act of communicating, which is evidenced by such questions as: Who is HE?, What is HE like? And some part of features characterizing that person can simply be allocated to him/her or sometimes even imposed on him/her. In this situation we can talk about passive identity. It seems that such a grammatical-communicative approach refers to identity in all its aspects.}, title={Kilka uwag o pojęciu tożsamości = A Few Words about the Concept of Identity}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={tożsamość, tożsamość aktywna, tożsamość pasywna, tożsamość deliberatywna, memetyka, identyfikacja, samoidentyfikacja, język , językoznawstwo, językoznawstwo polskie}, }