@misc{Uździcka_Marzanna_Tożsamość,, author={Uździcka, Marzanna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The aim of this paper is to determine the conceptual scope of the term "identity" and hierarchy of concepts coexisting in speaking of it: self-identification and identification from the point of view of their usefulness in linguistic considerations. In the course of analysis various methodological options, doctrinal stances and premises (mainly of psychology, sociology and linguistics) have been taken into consideration.}, abstract={The analyses have shown that the identity is a type of consciousness, formed in the process of self-identification - that is perceiving the self by an individual and reference of its own characteristics, behaviors, attitudes to other people or a given group; and identification - that is perceiving an individual by society (by others) from the perspective of determining everything what is common and reproducible by other members of the community. An essential component for the formation of human identity is language. Therefore, the key issues within the identity: language relationship have been discussed.}, title={Tożsamość, samoidentyfikacja, identyfikacja = Identity, self-identification, identification}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={tożsamość, tożsamość aktywna, tożsamość pasywna, tożsamość deliberatywna, memetyka, identyfikacja, samoidentyfikacja, język , językoznawstwo, językoznawstwo polskie}, }