@misc{Zgiep_Marcin_Tożsamość, author={Zgiep, Marcin}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The goal of the article is to introduce into the humanities and social sciences the notion of "deliberative identity" which accounts for a truly (post)modern phenomenon encompassing individualistic and collectivistic anthropology. The concept is derived from contemporary democratic discourse influenced greatly by the theory of deliberative democracy.}, abstract={Deliberative identity is a meta-identity arising from a tri-lateral process of reflection (pre-communication), dialogue (communication) and decision (post-communication) occurring in the context of problematic situations forcing people to critically assess their behavior. Private and public discourse becomes a space of parallel processes of continuity and transformation (contingency), acceptance and rejection of one`s image and essence. The description of particular features of deliberative identity is supplemented by depiction of its normative and empirical boundaries.}, title={Tożsamość deliberatywna = Deliberative identity}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={tożsamość, tożsamość aktywna, tożsamość pasywna, tożsamość deliberatywna, memetyka, identyfikacja, samoidentyfikacja, język , językoznawstwo, językoznawstwo polskie}, }