@misc{Nikel_Łukasz_Kompetencje, author={Nikel, Łukasz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The aim of the study was to aplore the relations between social competences and educational aspirations in children with borderline intellectual functioning. The participants were 391 school-age children (aged between 8 and 12). The children were divided into the following groups: 28 children with borderline intellectual functioning, 266 children with average intelligence, and 97 children with higher-than-average intelligence.}, abstract={The obtained results indicated that among social competences assertiveness was positively, and submissiveness was negatively related to educational aspirations in children with borderline intellectual functioning. Te differences between the level of social competences and the level of educational aspirations when comparing children from the borderline intellectual functioning and children with average and above-average intelligence were not statistically significant.}, abstract={The level of intelligence was an important moderator of the relationship between social competences and educational aspirations. Social competences explained educational aspirations only in children with borderline intellectual functioning and children with average intelligence. The results suggest that social competences play important role in explaining school success in children with borderline intellectual functioning.}, title={Kompetencje społeczne i aspiracje edukacyjne uczniów z pogranicza funkcjonowania intelektualnego w wieku szkolnym = Social competences and educational aspirations in school-age children with borderline intellectual functioning}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={borderline intellectual functioning, educational aspirations, social competences, fluid intelligence, assertiveness, pogranicze funkcjonowania intelektualnego, aspiracje edukacyjne, kompetencje społeczne, asertywność}, }