@misc{Münkner_Jörn_Gry, author={Münkner, Jörn}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={ger}, abstract={The paper exercises an exemplary analysis of two broadsheets from the early Baroque period. Analysis shows the media induced dynamization of the broadsheets` perception and it focuses on the decryption of the specific logic of the media anthropology.}, abstract={The compound "Wahrnehmungsspiele" (i.e. ludic/playful and dynamic perception) takes up a connotation of play which means its culturally constitutive character as an agency generating knowledge and understanding.}, abstract={My objective is to determine the interactive perception mode as well as the ("kulturtechnische") potential of the human hand in the reception process of the media.}, title={Gry w postrzeganiu w drukach ulotnych z okresu baroku = Dynamic Reception of Single-leaf Prints of the Baroque Period}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={druk ulotny, druk jednostronny, płaszczyzna papieru z klapkami, wywołana przez medium dynamizacja postrzegania, postrzeganie intermodalne, gra jako siła napędowa procesu poznawczego, antropologia mediów, broadsheet, paper sheet with flaps, media induced dynamization of perception/reception, crossmodal perception, playful perception/ludic gain of knowledge, media anthropology}, }