@misc{Niekrewicz_Agnieszka_Językowe, author={Niekrewicz, Agnieszka}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The aim of this article is to present the types of characters created by Internet users and an indication of language means used for characterisation of a person, resulting in restoration of stereotypical associations, perceptions and beliefs associated to life roles. The object of the analysis is language material derived from 14 000 internet memes published on two portals: Memy and Fabryka Memów.}, abstract={The author discusses examples, presented by the Internet users, of combining features and attitudes of a person with typical features of her language. She presents the role of a template in the construction of memes, and in particular the effect of templates on maker`s thinking, revealing itself in the adoption of a specific model of reality and the reference to unambiguous personal models.}, title={Językowe sposoby zbiorowego kreowania typów bohaterów w memach internetowych = Language means of the personal models` collective creating in Internet memes}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={stereotypy, mem, gra werbalna, wspólnota internautów, stylizacja w języku potocznym, meme, language games, community of Internet users, styling in colloquial language}, }