@misc{Szagun_Dorota_Językowy, author={Szagun, Dorota}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={This article deals with the linguistic picture of a horse in the Polish language by the nineteenth century as a significant element of the traditions of the noble community, strongly influencing the consciousness of the nobility and culture of the period of Nobles` Republic which traces we observe in contemporary Polish language and culture.}, abstract={In the scope of language units (in vocabulary, phraseology), in texts (fiction and themed literature) as well as within other cultural facts (painting, sculpture) we get a fairly coherent image of a horse, a warrior`s colleague. This image is closely linked to the noble culture. It is primarily a saddle horse, not the farm one, noble, associated with war, diehard, though faithfulto his rider.}, abstract={Above all, the horse constitutes a special and very real material, aesthetic and symbolic value for a noble. The horse is, next to the saber, an extremely important attribute of a nobleman, it is a sign of individuality and state prestige. The close connection of a horse to everyday life of nobility results in Polish language in an extensive lexical-semantic field, considerable resource of phraseology, some of which penetrated into the modern colloquia language and the constant symbolic presence in the Polish culture and traditions of the noble roots.}, title={Językowy obraz konia w polszczyźnie jako wyraz tradycji wspólnoty szlacheckiej = Linguistic picture of a horse in the Polish language as an expression of the noble community tradition}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={koń, szlachta, leksyka, frazeologizm, przysłowie, maść, koń wierzchowy, prestiż, tożsamość, malarstwo, literatura, horse, Nobility, vocabulary, idiom, saying, ointment, saddle horse, prestige, identity, painting, literature}, }