@misc{Uździcka_Marzanna_Wokół, author={Uździcka, Marzanna and Zarębski, Rafał}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={This text was written in connection with the participation of the authors in two research projects under the "National Programme for the Development of Humanities" in the years 2011-2014: no 0063/FNiTP/H11/80/2011 - "The history of Polish language and Polish speech communities in 50 Lectures" conducted in the Department of Polish Language History and Pragmatics under the guidance of Professor Stanisław Borawski and no 0089/FNiTP/ H11/08/2011, "Texts for the history of the use of the national language with the annexes" conducted in the Department of Polish Language History at Lodz University under the guidance of Professor Marek Cybulski.}, abstract={In these research projects participated two teams of the centrem collaborating for many years: University of Lodz and University of Zielona Gora. From the beginning this co-operation included all forms of action, in particular: the continuous participation in conferences organized in both Universities and programmatic cooperation.}, abstract={Two complementary works (substantively and methodologically consistent) prepared within the framework of the project, i.e. "Lectures", including 16 cross sectional and 34 smaller ones, covering the entire history of the Polish language, where particular "lectures" present fundamental aspects of the historical-linguistic process, and "The Anthology", the choice of representative text representing both the documentation and inspiration source for new considerations, will provide the whole Polish language environment with the possibility of enriching the plot of academic lectures, seminars and workshops with the new teaching tools.}, abstract={The analytical part of the article concerns considerations about the conviction expressed in thesis that the history of language is the discipline, where the production of knowledge and its dissemination in the course of the academic training can be balanced. Consequently, it should lead to such educators` and researchers` action that there will be much more students interested in the history of the language.}, title={Wokół dydaktyki językoznawczej diachronii = On teaching linguistic diachrony}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={dydaktyka akademicka, synteza historycznojęzykowa, wybór, antologia, idea poznawcza, diachronia, academic teaching, historically-linguistics synthesis, anthology, cognitive idea, diachrony}, }