@misc{Piontek_Marlena_Technological, author={Piontek, Marlena and Łuszczyńska, Katarzyna and Lechów, Hanna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={The intense pace of construction work means that technical materials contain so-called technological moisture, which enables the development of biodeteriogenic organisms on building partitions. This article presents the mycological analysis of two buildings in Zielona Góra, whose building partitions were affected by colour deposits.}, abstract={In the first building (a block of flats in the shell and core condition) 7 species of moulds were determined, of which the dominant one was Cladosporium herbarum. In the second building (public utilities building) changes on the walls appeared just after refurbishment and were caused by a species of mould called Strachybotrys chartarum which is hazardous to human and animal life.}, title={Technological moisture as a cause of moulds on building partitions = Wilgoć technologiczna przyczyną występowania grzybów pleśniowych na przegrodach budowlanych}, type={artykuł}, keywords={technological moisture, biodeterioration, moulds, mould in the building, wilgoć technologiczna, biodeterioracja, grzyby pleśniowe, pleśń w budynku}, }