@misc{Mrówczyńska_Maria_Measurement, author={Mrówczyńska, Maria and Sztubecki, Jacek}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={ART (Adaptive Resonance Theory) networks were invented in the 1990s as a new approach to the problem of image classification and recognition. ART networks belong to the group of resonance networks, which are trained without supervision.}, abstract={The paper presents the basic principles for creating and training ART networks, including the possibility of using this type of network for solving problems of predicting and processing measurement data, especially data obtained from geodesic monitoring.}, abstract={In the first stage of the process of creating a prediction model, a preliminary analysis of measurement data was carried out. It was aimed at detecting outliers because of their strong impact on the quality of the final model. Next, an ART network was used to predict the values of the vertical displacements of points of measurement and control networks stabilized on the inner and outer walls of an engineering object.}, title={Measurement data processing with the use of art networks = Przetwarzania danych pomiarowych z wykorzystaniem sieci z rezonansem adaptacyjnym ART}, type={artykuł}, keywords={ART neural network, prediction model, vertical displacements, sieci neuronowe ART, model predykcyjny, przemieszczenia pionowe}, }