@misc{Szagun_Dorota_Dwujęzyczność, author={Szagun, Dorota}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={This article discusses Polish-Latin bilingualism as a distinctive feature of the nobility (also known as "the Sarmatians"). Sarmatism is characterized by the type of communication that is marked by deeply assimilated Latin or so-called "macaronic speech". The tendency towards macaronisation is seen as an exponent of the aesthetic Sarmatian erudition rather than as a symptom of the degeneration of the Polish language during the Saxon times.}, abstract={The article indicates the presence of bilingualism of the Polish nobility during the period of the Noble Republic of Poland in the early eighteenth-century "silva rerum". Bilingualism, as an inherent linguistic feature of the Polish nobility, is evident in the presence of 1. numerous Latin texts which function as a rhetorical model as well as Latin texts along with Polish translations, 2. Polish texts absorbing and assimilating Latin elements, 3. literary texts whose dominant feature is the interplay between the elements of Polish and Latin called "macaronic verses".}, title={Dwujęzyczność szlachty na przykładzie XVIII -wiecznej sylwy = Bilingualism of the nobility community: An analysis of the eighteenth-century "silva rerum"}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={dwujęzyczność, bilingwizm, elita, elitarny, język , łacina, polszczyzna, makaronizowanie, socjolekt szlachecki, sylwa, wspólnota szlachecka, tożsamość, bilingualism, elite, exclusive, language, Latin, macaronisation, Polish language, sociolect of the nobility, "silva rerum", noble community, identity}, }