@misc{Jurewicz-Nowak_Magdalena_Językowe, author={Jurewicz-Nowak, Magdalena}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The paper discusses linguistic traces of multiethnic relations in an urban community determined by trading activities. The research is based on the 18th-century Polish-German phrasebook written by Jerzy Schlaga in Silesia, an ethnically and linguistically diverse region.}, abstract={The need for the exchange of goods acted as a stimulus to the development of inter-ethnic relations in the Wroclaw urban community which had long-established traditions of craft and trade. The consequence of these contacts are loanwords from Turkish, Czech, German, Latin, French and Italian, which make up the vocabulary of trade in areas such as the names of revenues and fees, means of transport, professions, documents, units of measure, weight, money, trade activities and goods.}, title={Językowe kontakty międzyetniczne we wspólnocie miejskiej warunkowane działalnością handlową w osiemnastowiecznym Wrocławiu = Inter-ethnic language relations in urban community conditioned by trading activities in the eighteenth-century Wroclaw}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={językowe stosunki międzyetniczne, miejska wspólnota komunikatywna, zapożyczenia związane z handlem, Wrocław, 18 w., inter-ethnic language relations, speech community, trade-related loanwords}, }