@misc{Sobczak_Michał_Uwagi, author={Sobczak, Michał}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The present paper demonstrates a preliminary study of German military lexis of the interwar period. It has been established that even though scientists have already undertaken such research, they have so far based it on their own observations, accounts of soldiers and military song lyrics. None of the works have made use of dictionary sources.}, abstract={Out of all entries in A.F. Nessler`s "German-Russian Dictionary", published in Moscow in 1929, nearly one hundred items beginning with the letters A and B were selected and subjected to examination in the present article. They were divided into nine semantically distinct groups, representing various categories of military lexis.}, abstract={Moreover, it has been established that many entries are loan-words from French. As the analysis of the DWDS corpora has shown, their lifespan in the German language tended to vary from word to word.}, title={Uwagi wstępne o niemieckiej leksyce wojskowej okresu międzywojennego (na podstawie "Słownika niemiecko-rosyjskiego" A. F. Nesslera) = Preliminary remarks on German military lexis of the interwar period (a study based on A.F. Nessler`s "German-Russian Dictionary")}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Nessler, Aleksej Fedorovič, niemiecka leksyka wojskowa, 1918-1939, słownik rosyjsko-niemiecki, zapożyczenie, German military lexis, interwar period, dictionary, loan-words}, }