@misc{Dąbrowska-Burkhardt_Jarochna_Teufelsbuhlschaft, author={Dąbrowska-Burkhardt, Jarochna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={ger}, abstract={The aim of this paper is a systematic linguistic analysis of lexicological and onomasiological aspects of the semantic field of the lexeme "Devil". The study is a linguistic and historical investigation of a stereotypical structure of statements about "Devil", as found in the examined 17th-century trial protocols from Grünberg in Lower Silesia.}, abstract={The data for the analysis are derived from 284 pages of handwritten trial records, which will be of interest not only to linguists, but also to historians and sociologists. The results are interpreted against cultural-historical references.}, title={Teufelsbuhlschaft in frühneuzeitlichen Hexenverhörprotokollen aus Grünberg in Niederschlesien = Pakt z diabłem w nowożytnych protokołach z przesłuchań osób posądzanych o czary w mieście Grünberg na Dolnym Śląsku = Pact with the Devil in the early modern witchcraft trial records from Grünberg in Lower Silesia}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={protokół, pakt z diabłem, leksyka, onomazjologia, diabeł, Zielona Góra, Grünberg, Dolny Śląsk, 17 w., witchcraft trial records, pact, devil}, }