@misc{Kowal_Eliza_Wybrane, author={Kowal, Eliza}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The paper investigates the usage of the category of contact in anti-drugs discourse. Analyzing the example of an Australian brochure with the tools offered by Fairclough`s critical discourse analysis model, the author shows general tendencies and metaphors that run in the discourse. The main metaphor ?relation is an object? shows that relationships in a family as well as among friends function linguistically as an item that can be ?broken?, ?fixe? or ?repaired?.}, abstract={Contact and its intensity are here the factors that influence the quality of such a relationship. The ?helpdesk discourse? that occurs in the brochure confirms these observations, especially when it sends the reader to a specialist in case all the conversational strategies from the booklet should fail.}, title={Wybrane aspekty kategorii kontaktu w dyskursie antynarkotykowym = The category of contact in anti-drugs discourse: Selected aspects}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={krytyczna analiza dyskursu, KAD, Fairclough, narkotyki, kampania społeczna, critical discourse analysis, CAD, drugs, public awareness campaigne}, }