@misc{Śliwicka_Anna_Komunikatywność, author={Śliwicka, Anna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The objective of the paper is to characterize the features of legal language with regard to its communicativeness by means of analysing one of the common judicial practices, i.e. oral pronouncement of the operative part of judgment. The approach adopted in the study is both semantic and pragmatic in nature.}, abstract={Legal language, despite the fact that it basically serves to formulate decisions made in court proceedings by authorized bodies, interpret them and explain the precepts of law on the basis of which a specific ruling was made, remains incomprehensible to the layman. It can be unintelligible also to lawyers themselves.}, abstract={The operative parts of judgments are formulated in legal language, which is a stylistic variety of Polish. They reflect the features of a specialized message. Their communicativeness should be examined both at a descriptive and prescriptive level.}, title={Komunikatywność języka prawniczego na przykładzie ustnego ogłoszenia sentencji wyroku = Communicativeness of legal language: A study based on oral pronouncement of the operative part of judgment}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={analiza pragmatyczna, analiza semantyczna, deskryptywność, język prawniczy, język prawny, język sądowy, komunikat specjalistyczny, komunikatywność, normatywność, ogłoszenie sentencji wyroku, wyrok, pragmatic analysis, semantic analysis, descriptiveness, legal language, legislative language, court language, communicativeness, specialized message, prescriptiveness, pronouncement of the operative part of judgment, judgments}, }