@misc{Wincławski_Włodzimierz_Leplayowskie, author={Wincławski, Włodzimierz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={For the first time Le Play was mentioned in Polish writing in 1860 by Ludwik Górski. The author used Le Play`s monographic method from "Les ouvriers Europeens" (1855) to describe the conditions of country workers in Poland. Górski did not find followers because of the 1863 uprising. Le}, abstract={Play was rediscovered in the early 1880s by Catholic intellectuals. In his social philosophy, which supported Catholic social teaching and influenced Catholic sociology, they found arguments against liberalism and socialism. Sociologists gathered around the Jesuit magazine "Przegląd Powszechny", inspired by Le Play`s monographic method, conducted many field works on the poorest residents of Cracow in the years 1885-1917.}, abstract={The early 1900s in Poland witnessed a massive critique of non-empirical sociology, and many sociologists started to do field work on contemporary social phenomena. One of them was Franciszek Bujak, who adapted Le Play`s and his disciples` method to write exceptional monographs on single villages and a town (between 1901 and 1914).}, abstract={Following Bujak, many field studies on social issues were conducted in Poland. These were inspired not only by Le Play but also by German researchers gathered around "Verein für Socialpolitik". The priest Aleksander Wóycicki was the last one whose research was based strictly on Le Play`s monographic method ("Robotnik polski w życiu rodzinnym 1918-1920").}, abstract={Between the wars sociography was criticized. As Florian Znaniecki pointed out, sociology, instead of gathering a multitude of social facts and describing them, should try to discover the most important social problems and to explain them in terms of sociological theory. Research in this spirit was conducted in the 1930s mainly by Józef Chałasiński, Józef Obrębki and Stanisław Rychliński.}, title={Leplayowskie inspiracje w socjologii polskiej = Le Play`s influence on Polish sociology}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Le Play, Frédéric (1806-1882), metoda monograficzna, socjologia, badania socjologiczne, Francja, 19 w.}, }