@misc{Olbromski_Cezary_Autorytet, author={Olbromski, Cezary}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={The idea of authority is one of the most important issues of Max Weber`s thought, and yet this idea plays a very important role in Jerzy Szacki`s works and sociological research. The author examines this concept in both cases. Some conceptual problems of authority in social sciences are discussed in the paper, in which the author assumes that the issue of authority is strictly connected with the problem of the objectivity/intersubjectivity of cognition in social sciences.}, title={Autorytet w naukach społecznych. Uwagi poczynione w związku z lekturą dzieł Maxa Webera i Jerzego Szackiego = Authority in social sciences. Remarks on Max Weber`s and Jerzy Szacki`s Works}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Weber, Max (1881-1961), Szacki, Jerzy (1929- ), nauki społeczne, autorytet}, }