@misc{Parthiban_R._A, author={Parthiban, R. and Palani, Govindasamy and Tinker, Seema and Sharma, Ram Prakash}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski}, language={eng}, abstract={A plain linear penetrable contracting sheet with slip over a micro-polar liquid with a stagnation-point flow is analyzed. Through similarity mapping, the mathematical modeling statements are transformed as ODE`s and numerical results are found by shooting techniques.}, abstract={The varying impacts of physical quantities on the momentum, micro-rotation, and temperature were demonstrated through graphs. The computed measures including shear and couple stress with distinct measures of factors involved in this proposed problem are presented through a table.}, title={A numerical approach to slip flow of a micropolar fluid above a flat permeable contracting surface}, type={artykuł}, keywords={boundary layers, heat sink, micro-polar fluid, slip condition, and suction or injection}, }