@misc{Gamrat_Małgorzata_Prawda,, author={Gamrat, Małgorzata}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The Platonic triad became the leitmotif of the lectures on the history of philosophy given at the Ecole normale in Paris by one of the most important French philosophers of the first half of the 19th century - Victor Cousin (1792?1867). The lectures given in 1818 were not published in book form until 1836 by Adolphe Garnier.}, abstract={In his book, Cousin considers truth, beauty, and goodness in relation to the Oneness he links with absolute being and with God, which is his original contribution to Plato`s theory. In his erudite considerations, he shows successive emanations of absolute ideas against the background of the history of philosophy, with particular emphasis on the philosophy of the eighteenth century: French, German and English.}, abstract={Considering beauty allows him to derive a classification of arts in which expression is the most important criterion. Cousin`s ideas about truth, beauty and goodness are reflected in the literary texts of the era (e.g., Balzac, Hugo, 19th century Paris press).}, title={Prawda, piękno i dobro w paryskich wykładach Victora Cousina =Truth, beauty and goodness in Victor Cousin`s Paris lectures}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Cousin, Vikcor (1792-1867), triada Platońska, klasyfikacja sztuk, filozofia, literatura, 18 w., 19 w., Platonic triad, classification of arts, philosophy, literature}, }