@misc{Taraszczuk_Izabela_Magnetyzm, author={Taraszczuk, Izabela}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={This article analyzes the phenomenon of good on the example of three film works created in the last thirty years: "Trois couleurs: Bleu" ("Three Colours: Blue") by Krzysztof Kieślowski (1993), "Kaddisch fur einen Freund" ("Kaddish for a friend") by Leo Khasin (2012) and "Mary Magdalene" by Garth Davis (2018).}, abstract={The author refers to the religious and philosophical concept of good in Judaism, Ancient Greece, Confucianism, Christianity and Islam and points to universal values that correspond with it: love, friendship, mercy, music, solidarity, visual arts, as well as an unwavering faith in mankind and God.}, title={Magnetyzm miłości bliźniego w filmach "Niebieski", "Kadysz dla przyjaciela" i "Maria Magdalena" = The magnetism of love of neighbor in the movies "Three Colours: Blue", "Kaddish for a friend" and "Mary Magdalene"}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Bóg, charyzma, dobro, emigrant, harmonia, miłosierdzie, miłość, miłość bliźniego, muzyka, pokój, przyjaźń, sacrum, sztuka, świętość, uchodźca, wiara, wielokulturowość, wizjoner, wojna, wyznanie, wzór do naśladowania, zbawienie, art, charisma, charity/love of neighbor, confession, émigré, faith, friendship, God, good, harmony, holiness, love, mercy, multiculturalism, music, peace, refugees, role model, sacred, salvation, visionary, war}, }