@misc{Pyvovar_Liliia_Wartości, author={Pyvovar, Liliia}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={Comparative analysis has been subject to the naming of streets of Częstochowa and Uman. Selected localities have different naming systems. The analysis was aimed at showing the values preserved in Polish and Ukrainian street names (on the example of two selected cities). The empirical part of the research material consists of 1206 street names of Częstochowa and 284 plateonyms of Uman.}, abstract={The typology by Jadwiga Puzynina was adopted to interpret the values fixed in the material studied. The typology of values applied allowed to show axiological categories, which are important in the naming system of Czestochowa and Uman, and to separate naming features characteristic for the Polish and Ukrainian naming systems. Historical factors played an important role in shaping the names of both cities, so the comparative analysis was preceded by a short outline of the history of Częstochowa and Uman from the earliest times to the present day.}, title={Wartości utrwalone w nazwach ulic (na przykładzie Częstochowy i Humania) = Values recorded in street names (on the example of Częstochowa and Uman)}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={nazewnictwo ulic, wartości, analiza porownawcza, Częstochowa, Humań, street names, values, comparative analysis, Uman}, }