@misc{Węgorowska_Katarzyna_Językowo-kulturologiczne, author={Węgorowska, Katarzyna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={Honey, metaphorically-symbolically also called "liquid gold" and "Nature`s golden miracle", has been a human`s companion from the dawn of time. This natural biopreparation is firmy inscribed in the history of Ziemia Lubuska and is crrently perceived as its regional product.}, abstract={The article presents linguistic-culturological reflections on properties and specificity of various types of various types of haneys of Ziemia Lubuska (e. g. Lubiszyn canola honey, Noteć river valley multi-flower honey, Magdalenian linden honey, Rzepin Primeval Forest acacia honey, regional mead), beekeepers and their apiaries, secretions and broadly defined apiarian culture in the region of Ziemia Lubuska.}, abstract={The basis of the reflections are linguistic testimonies excerpted from local and national culinary guides as well as deep multiannual research of the author - a native honeys entusiast and connoisser.}, title={Językowo-kulturologiczne prawdy o lubuskich miodach (na podstawie wybranych kulinarnych opracowań poświęconych regionalnym specjałom Ziemi Lubuskiej) = Linguistic-culturological truths about honeys of the Ziemia Lubuska region (based on selected culinary guides on the specials of the area)}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={miód, miody lubuskie, Ziemia Lubuska, lingwokulturologia, honey, honeys of Ziemia Lubuska, linguoculturology}, }