@misc{Cieśla_Bartłomiej_Deprecjonowanie, author={Cieśla, Bartłomiej}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The aim of the article is to review the areas of valuation that can be seen in discussions between Catholics and Protestants on the Internet. The analyzed texts were published under the films whose authors (lay and clergy) explain the differences between the two faiths.}, abstract={The content presented by the speakers becomes the subject of strong negative valorisation, mainly on the part of people whose confession is attacked or whose credibility is questioned. The authors of the comments use rational and emotional argumentation, while - as is typical for internet discussions - the emotional element clearly dominates in these conversations.}, abstract={The subject of evaluation are areas such as: 1) the generally understood Church, 2) the clergy and people who are considered to be supporters of a particular current, 3) intellectual predispositions of people who are part of the opposite religion, 4) actions taken by representatives of another religion and the motivations behind them, 5) the inner life or spiritual condition of believers, 6) issues related to theological issues and religious practices.}, title={Deprecjonowanie wyznania religijnego w dyskusjach między katolikami a protestantami - dziedziny wartościowania = Depreciation of the religious denomination in discussions between Catholics and Protestants - fields of valorisation}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={wartościowanie, katolicyzm, protestantyzm, dyskurs internetowy, komentarz internetowy, valorisation, Catholicism, Protestantism, Internet discourse, Internet commentary}, }