@misc{Kalisz_Aleksandra_Intryga, author={Kalisz, Aleksandra}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={An intrigue has been made the subject of this article - an extremely complex form with a perverse communicative intention. With the use of the linguistic genology tools and support of communication studies, the specific nature of this genre was captured, which as a collection of freely occurring structures (conversation, gossip, lie or dispute), takes the form of a meticulously designed communicative event.}, abstract={As the analysis of the model intrigue has shown, its perversity manifests itself in the attitude of the intriguer, whose overriding goal is not so much to convey content that is inconsistent with "real thinking" as to produce utterances in a disingenuous manner. The speech genres supplying the intrigue are thus merely a tool in the hands of the more or less conscious participants in the event, and only the communicative intention hidden behind them exposes the true nature of the genre invoked.}, title={Intryga w języku. O knuciu i knowaniu z perspektywy genologii lingwistycznej = Intrigue in language. On plotting and scheming from the perspective of linguistic genology}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={intryga, intrygant, gatunek mowy, kolekcja gatunków, wartość, intrigue, intriguer, speech genre, genre collection, values}, }