@misc{Bizior_Renata_Prawda, author={Bizior, Renata}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={In this article, I discuss the issue of truth in relation to selected handwritten newspapers from the second half of the 18th century. The discussion is preceded by the characteristics of the communication phenomenon of newspapers written in the 18th century. The paper presents the meaning of truth as an important category influencing the informational value of press releases and newspapers as well as for their organization (structure and macrostructure).}, abstract={Truth is one of the categories (excluding news, topicality and attractiveness) that determine the selection of information in a newspapers written by Kitowicz. The analysis of the texts shows that the truth is understood in the studied newspapers as a variable, dynamic, relative category which is being explored with the flow of new data. An important aspect of the analysis is taking into account the epistemic modality of texts and indicating the way in which the sender of press releases expresses his belief about the degree of truthfulness of the information.}, abstract={The research focuses on lexical units which are modal signals of the highest degree of the sender?s confidence in the truthfulness of the edited messages. The strategies used in texts that shape the meaning of truth in handwritten newspapers are determined by the communication situation and the wider context.}, title={Prawda w gazetach rękopiśmiennych z 2. połowy XVIII wieku (na wybranym materiale). Rekonesans badawczy = The truth in handwritten newspapers of the second half of the 18th century (on the selected material). Research reconnaissance}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={prawda, gazety rękopiśmienne, wiadomość prasowa, gatunek wypowiedzi, modalność epistemiczna, Kitowicz, Jędrzej (1728-1804), truth, handwritten newspapers, genre, press release, epistemic modality, 18 w.}, }