@misc{Boś_Tina_Refleksje, author={Boś, Tina}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The article contains a pragmalinguistic analysis of lexemes expressing the notion of time present in Maciej Stuhr`s columns. S. Borawski`s quantitative?qualitative method was used to find the most frequent words in the texts. On this basis it was possible to notice the diverse way in which the author perceives time and to classify the lexeme according to three semantic categories: the past, i.e. the autor`s memories, then reflections on the passing of time and the essence of time in everyday human life, and the future, i.e. the columnist`s futuristic visions.}, abstract={The author based his reflections on the passing of time and the essence of time on both real and fictional events. At times he player with convention, spinning futuristic visions or introducing the reader to unreal, fairy-tale time. The category of time, especially in experiencing reality "here and now", turned out to be exceptionally important to the author. M. Stuhr correlated the category of time with the category of space, thus creating a full picture of his thoughts.}, title={Refleksje nad przemijaniem i istotą czasu w codziennym życiu człowieka. Analiza pragmalingwistyczna felietonów Macieja Stuhra = Reflections on the passing of time and the essence of time in everyday human life. Pragmalinguistic analysis of Maciej Stuhr`s columns}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={analiza pragmalingwistyczna, czas, przemijanie, felieton, językowy obraz świata, pragmalinguistic analysis, time, transience, column, linguistic image of the world}, }