@misc{Walak_Bogumiła_Wprowadzenie, author={Walak, Bogumiła}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra ; Skarbona: Stowarzyszenie Polskich Muzyków Kameralistów}, language={pol}, abstract={The aim of this article was to outline the correlation between the children`s literature and their development (parti cularly in the preschool period). Moreover in the field of interest was to define the role of literature in stimulation of the child`s development in parent`s opinion.}, abstract={The problems resulting from the main aspect of the article required preliminary theoretical considerations. Theoretical parts of this study contain: the standard nomenclature of child`s development and its stages, preschool child characteristic, factors stimulating the preschooler development.}, abstract={Equally important was: children`s literature definition and its typology, intermediary function of parents in the reading process, correlation between the illustrati ons in children`s books and the accompanying text.}, title={Wprowadzenie dziecka w świat literatury dziecięcej przez rodziców = Introduction of child into the world of children`s literature by parents}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={wpływ literatury dziecięcej, ilustracja w książkach dla dzieci, literatura dziecięca, czytanie książek dla dzieci przez rodziców, influence of children`s literature, illustration in books for children, children`s literature, reading books to children by parents, parent as connection among child and literature}, }