@misc{Pasterniak-Kobyłecka_Ewa_Możliwości, author={Pasterniak-Kobyłecka, Ewa}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra ; Skarbona: Stowarzyszenie Polskich Muzyków Kameralistów}, language={pol}, abstract={Owing to their cognitive, educational, aesthetic and therapeutic functions literary texts can support the development of the individual`s emotional intelligence. Literature stimulates imagination, lets children gain new experiences, helps them to understand themselves, other people and the world around them.}, abstract={The article presents possible applica tion of bibliotherapy in working with pre-school children. Carefully selected fairy tales and stories teach children about feelings, proper relationships within the group, tolerance, responsibility for decisions. They also help children to develop skills to deal with stress, anger, jealousy, despair, helplessness.}, title={Możliwości wykorzystania biblioterapii w stymulowaniu rozwoju emocjonalnego starszych dzieci w przedszkolu = Possible use of bibliotherapy in stimulating emotional development of older children in kindergarten}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={emocje, rozwój, inteligencja emocjonalna, biblioterapia, bibliotherapy, development, emotions, emotional intelligence}, }