@misc{Izdebska-Długosz_Dominika_"Zdejmij, author={Izdebska-Długosz, Dominika}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Filologii Polskiej}, language={pol}, abstract={The article presents a syntax error made by Ukrainian-speaking learners of Polish. Word order errors have been divided into a few smaller categories. From the perspective of effective communication, word order errors do not hinder the mutual understanding of the interlocutors. Therefore, course books and other Polish as a Foreign Language teaching aids marginalise the question of word order in Polish.}, abstract={However, those errors are deeply rooted in language interference, as they are a type of syntactic calques and are prone to become fossilised. Furthermore, they coincide with an unintended stylisation effect, drollery, oddity or abnormality. Thus, including word order exercises in a standard set of grammar exercises seems to be necessary. The article presents a couple of exercises of such type deriving from the author?s latest publication for East Slavs.}, title={"Zdejmij okulary różowe!" - błędy w szyku zdania w polszczyźnie studentów ukraińskojęzycznych = "Take off your glasses rose-coloured!" - on word order errors made by Ukrainian-speaking students in Polish}, type={artykuł}, keywords={szyk zdaniowy, błędy językowe, Ukraińcy, język polski jako obcy, word order, linguistic errors, Ukrainians, Polish as a Foreign Language}, }