@misc{Válková_Maciejewska_Monika_Jak, author={Válková Maciejewska, Monika}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Filologii Polskiej}, language={pol}, abstract={The article aims to present the advantages of teaching Polish as a foreign/second language through cultural texts, especially contemporary literature (the study quotes excerpts from such books as "Bezmatek" ["No-mother"] by Mira Marcinów, "Rozdeptałem czarnego kota przez przypadek" ["I`ve trampled a black cat accidentely"] by Filip Zawada, "Prymityw. Epopeja narodowa" ["Primitive. National epic"] by Marcin Kołodziejczyk).}, abstract={The article suggests how we can talk about the Polish domestic space and urban landscape (apartment, house, region) through literary texts. Teaching through literature is an excellent method of conveying knowledge about language and reality, social landscape and culture. According to the author of this article, literature is an essential element in the glottodidactic process.}, title={Jak wygląda polski dom? Adres kulturowy w polskiej literaturze współczesnej z perspektywy glottodydaktycznej = How does a Polish home look like? Cultural address in Polish contemporary literature from a glottodidactic perspective}, type={artykuł}, keywords={glottodydaktyka polonistyczna, glottokulturoznawstwo, adres kulturowy, nauczanie języka polskiego jako obcego/drugiego, lingwakultura, Polish language glottodidactics, glottocultural studies, cultural address, teaching Polish as a foreign/second language, Polish language for foreigners, contemporary Polish literature}, }