@misc{Čiuladiene_Gražina_Negative, author={Čiuladiene, Gražina and Valantinas, Antanas and Katkoniene, Agata}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra ; Skarbona: Stowarzyszenie Polskich Muzyków Kameralistów}, language={eng}, abstract={Parental involvement has a positive impact on children`s learning achievement, school attendance etc. There is a lack of research of the parental involvement in school life extent, it?s advantages and obstacles in Lithuania.}, abstract={The purpose of the article is to find out the voltage fields in parent-teacher relationship. The data base of National Agency for School Evaluation (NASE) in Lithuania was analysed: 29358 parents of 175 schools participated in this survey. Barents` opinions about the school`s activities survey data were analyzed as well. Only parents comments on-line were analyzed and only negative comments were considered (420 respondents).}, abstract={Content analysis of the comments discussing the quality of education allows to distinguish four sub-categories: teaching inefficiency, lack of support, lack of discipline, achievements and progress disadvantages.}, abstract={According to the analysis of survey results, it can be said that the parents` dissatisfaction with the quality of the teaching process gives birth to distrust the quality of school teacher competency, which further alienates parents from school.}, abstract={Such atmosphere of communication based on parents distrust and dissatisfaction are the assumptions of deep conflict situation rather than well-wishing cooperation conducive to parental involvement in children`s education.}, title={Negative perception of teacher`s work as obstruction of school - parent non-conflict cooperation = Negatywna percepcja pracy nauczyciela jako przeszkoda bezkonfliktowej współpracy pomiędzy szkołą a rodzicem}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={zaangażowanie rodziców, skargi rodziców, Litwa, Narodowa Agencja ds. Oceny Szkół, parental involvement, parents` complains, Lithuania, National Agency for School Evaluation}, }