@misc{Cesarz_Helena_Wartości, author={Cesarz, Helena}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra ; Skarbona: Stowarzyszenie Polskich Muzyków Kameralistów}, language={pol}, abstract={Music therapy, as a form of comprehensive treatment, is used in medical, psychological and pedagogical treatment, as well as in rehabilitation, education and the health promotion, prevention and recreation. It has been included in the university programme of study in 1950 in the United States.}, abstract={In Poland, systematic training of music therapists began in 1972 at the State Higher School of Music in Wroclaw (now the Karol Lipinski Academy of Music) with a programme of study, specifying among others its goals, tasks and possible applications. In other facilities, its theoretical basis and the classification of methods and techniques were being developed.}, abstract={In this paper, the author refers to those ranked by Elzbieta Galinska and those compiled by Cheryl Dileo Maranto (USA). Attention was drawn to the two basic forms of activity used in music therapy for people with disabilities: receptive and active music therapy, and the resulting techniques - in particular receptive and improvisational.}, title={Wartości muzykoterapii stosowanej u osób z niepełnosprawnością = Importance of music therapy used in patients with disabilities}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={muzykoterapia, techniki muzykoterapii, osoby z niepełnosprawnością, music therapy, music therapy techniques, people with disabilities}, }