@misc{Gebreselassie_Jolanta_Rozważania, author={Gebreselassie, Jolanta}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra ; Skarbona: Stowarzyszenie Polskich Muzyków Kameralistów}, language={pol}, abstract={Analysis of local and nationwide researches conducted over decades shows that number of children with speech disorders increases. According to some researches 76% Polish children have speech disorders of different types. It is believed that effective prevention, aimed especially at children, is an optimal way of limiting phenomena that are considered as unfavourable.}, abstract={The subject of the work is to present the modern concept of preventing speech disorders, including new divisions: universal prevention, selective prevention and indicated prevention. The article discusses the notion of strategy in the prevention of speech disorders. It is highlighted that the necessity to invoke theoretical models to determine the use of speech disorders. It also proposes the classification of strategies preventing speech disorders.}, title={Rozważania wokół strategii w profilaktyce zaburzeń mowy = Considerations around strategy in the prevention of speech disorders}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={profilaktyka zaburzeń mowy, profilaktyka uniwersalna, profilaktyka selektywna, profilaktyka wskazująca, strategie profilaktyczne, prevention of speech disorders, universal prevention, selective prevention, indicating prevention, preventing strategies}, }