@misc{Mazur_Magdalena_Specyfika, author={Mazur, Magdalena}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra ; Skarbona: Stowarzyszenie Polskich Muzyków Kameralistów}, language={pol}, abstract={Music is a form of art people need, because they use it as a means of expression and creation of experiences and emotions, which enrich their lives. Music sharpens sensitivity, develops imagination, encourages independent thinking, and fulfils the need for self-expression. Music, with its multitude of forms, is being increasingly appreciated and harnessed in therapeutic processes.}, abstract={Various techniques and methods of music therapy are successfully used with people of all ages and sexes, backgrounds, conditions, or educations. It is a unique medium which deeply affects a person and frequently fosters the learning process, communication, concentration, and the emotional dimension. Music is also a form of play, especially for children with different disorders and difficulties. The main feature of autism is interpersonal communication disorders.}, abstract={The autistic brain is characterised by specific adaptation to the surrounding reality, in particular in terms of interpreting information. Difficulties occur with coding and decoding information as well as coordinating a few pieces of sensory information simultaneously.}, abstract={Literature shows that music has always been part of therapy and had beneficial effects. Each type of music has different effects on different people, so if music is included in therapy, it must retain its diversity, because it positively influences patients. Music stimulates a lot of areas such as intelligence and emotions, it enables people to reach theirinner self in order to open up to the world and reach out to other people.}, abstract={Many researchers have confirmed that autistic children are greatly interested in music and playing music, and they experience it differently than compared to properly developing peers. Also, it has been concluded that autistic people?s reaction to music is stronger than to other sounds. Therefore, music acts as a stimulus for strengthening proper functional adaptation, because it connects sensory systems such as: processing tactile, location-related, visual, auditory, and vestibular information.}, abstract={In these areas music can be conducive to developing functional adaptation, and it improves the broadly defined sensory integration. All this undeniably increases the well-being of an autistic person, which, in consequence, leads to improved interpersonal, emotional, psychic, and cognitive skills.}, title={Specyfika pracy logopedycznej z wykorzystaniem elementów muzyki w pracy z dzieckiem autystycznym. Refleksje z praktyki = Specificity of logopedic therapy of children with autism with use of musical elements. Conclusions from practice}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={autyzm, zaburzenia rozwoju języka, słuch, komunikacja werbalna, komunikacja niewerbalna, diagnoza medyczna, głuchota, diagnoza surdologopedyczna, terapia neurologopedyczna, terapia surdologopedyczna, postępowanie terapeutyczne, autism, speech developmental disorders, hearing sense, verbal communication, non-verbal communication, medical diagnosis, hearing loss, diagnosis inspeech therapy for the hearing impaired, neurological speech therapy, therapy in speech therapy for the hearing impaired, therapeutic management}, }