@misc{Szymańska_Grażyna_Wybrane, author={Szymańska, Grażyna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra ; Skarbona: Stowarzyszenie Polskich Muzyków Kameralistów}, language={pol}, abstract={The problem of hearing children is of interest to many scientific disciplines. These are mainly medicine-clinical audiology, psychology and pedagogy. Some of them deal with hearing impairments, people with impaired hearing and other areas are important impact teaching and educational both for children with a healthy and hearing impaired.}, abstract={The purpose of this article is to present the basic knowledge necessary for teachers at all levels of education, and above all for teachers of kindergarten and early school classes, introduce children to the world of music and develop their ear for music. The article addresses the most important issues of anatomy, physiology, psychoacoustics, musical acoustics on the sound, the problem of listening, hearing and lateralization, pathology hearing and objective and subjective methods for testing children`s hearing.}, abstract={Thanks to modern methods of subjective objective hearing tests for children: auditory brainstem evoked potentials, impedance audiometry, OAE, audiometric used in the assessment of hearing sensitivity in newborn hearing screening, there is a possibility of early detection of disease and early treatment. Undetected hearing disorders in children, the neglect of parents, the teacher would have important consequences for the affected child to the disease and for society.}, title={Wybrane zagadnienia dotyczące słuchu dzieci = Selected issues concerning hearing children}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={narząd słuchu, zaburzenie słuchu, słuchanie, słyszenie, lateralizacja słuchowa, wychowanie słuchowe, obiektywne metody badania słuchu, subiektywne metody badania słuchu, organ of hearing, impaired hearing, listening, hearing, auditory laterality, auditory education, objective methods of hearing tests, subjective test methods for hearing}, }