@misc{Rubczewska_Anna_Resocjalizacja, author={Rubczewska, Anna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra ; Skarbona: Stowarzyszenie Polskich Muzyków Kameralistów}, language={pol}, abstract={Deprivation of freedom of a socially unadjusted human is to be used for his re-socialization and change of life. Willingness to undergo such a transformation of personality is a basic condition for the effectiveness of such punishment. Under the conditions of the prison isolation art is of particular importance, because it brings benefits not only instrumental or fulfillment of free time, but especially those associated with attempts to create a socially acceptable idendtity.}, abstract={Visual art is part of the area. Its readaptation value is based on the fact, that it motivates the individual to act, weakens the sense of social isolation, emptiness, apathy and discouragement, therefore it has a positive effect on self-esteem . In addition, it triggers positive emotions for corrective and therapeutic interactions.}, title={Resocjalizacja przez sztukę wizualną jako forma aktywności korekcyjno-terapeutycznej = Rehabilitation through the visual arts as a form of corrective and therapeutic activity}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={resocjalizacja, socjalizacja, aktywność twórcza, sztuka wizualna, resocialization, socialization, creative activity, visual art}, }