@misc{Gebreselassie_Jolanta_Założenia, author={Gebreselassie, Jolanta}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra ; Skarbona: Stowarzyszenie Polskich Muzyków Kameralistów}, language={pol}, abstract={Voice disorders in children are a significant social problem. Treatment and therapy are long-lasting and often require the cooperation of many specialists. Meanwhile, there is a consensus that effective prevention, especially addressed to children, is the optimal way of limiting phenomena are considered unfavorable.}, abstract={The subject of the work is to present the modern concept of prevention and against this background to present proposals for the prevention of voice disorders including levels of prevention: universal, selective and indicative. The article contains the characteristics of voice disorders risk factors and protective factors that are described both in the Polish and foreign literature.}, title={Założenia (nie tylko) teoretyczne profilaktyki zaburzeń głosu dziecięcego = Presupposition (not only) the theoretical prevention of voice disorders in children}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={profilaktyka, profilaktyka zaburzeń głosu, profilaktyka zaburzeń głosu dziecięcego, czynniki ryzyka, czynniki chroniące, prevention, prevention of voice disorders, prevention of voice disorders in children, risk factors, protective factors}, }