@misc{Klimas-Kuchtowa_Ewa_Zasoby, author={Klimas-Kuchtowa, Ewa}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra ; Skarbona: Stowarzyszenie Polskich Muzyków Kameralistów}, language={pol}, abstract={The theoretical bases for presented paper are: holistic conception of human being as bio-psycho-social unit, ideas of cognitive psychology and of positive psychology. An education is here understood as an interaction between an educator (sometimes it can be a parent also) and a pupil.}, abstract={That`s why all important for successive and creative educational process and learning process characteristics are traits of both subjects of this action. Both subjects gave here the whole of theirs own identity.}, abstract={The characteristics mentioned here are general intelligence, special gifts, some traits of a personality (first of all ability for commitment in action, even to flow level), self acceptance, self efficacy feeling, aim to self-realization and feeling of social support. All these factors are the holistic system here.}, title={Zasoby indywidualne i systemowe w diadzie mistrz-uczeń = The individual and system resources in the master-student relation}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={mistrz-uczeń w nauczaniu muzyki, interakcja nauczania, cechy przydatne w efektywnym nauczaniu i uczeniu się, master?pupil interaction in education of music, traits needed in effective teaching and learning}, }