@misc{Różański_Piotr_Rola, author={Różański, Piotr}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra ; Skarbona: Stowarzyszenie Polskich Muzyków Kameralistów}, language={pol}, abstract={Contemporary music is an underestimated but exceptionally valuable element of piano education. Its stylistic diversity implies the necessity to develop a substantial flexibility of playing skills. The performer ? while expanding traditional pianistic "values" present in earlier repertoire ? must face new challenges: realization of serial structures in which each parameter of the sound is precisely defined; a factual co-creating of an artistic opus in aleatoric forms but also in genres like happening or instrumental theatre; the skill of effective but safe preparation of the instrument; heterogeneity of a music notation (i.a. graphic score).}, abstract={While working on the contemporary piano repertoire one can discover a number of educational values: the development of intellectual approach but also emotional spontaneity in the performing process; working on the precision of performance; readiness to quick changing within individual elements of playing in the context of stylistic multidimensionality; the ability to build up a differentiated formal structure; deepened analysis of a piece together with its cultural context; shaping the interpretational strength of communication.}, abstract={Contemporary music ? being both a complementary element of the instrumental schooling and an interesting alternative in the didactic process (i.a. in introducing polyphonic structures, working on articulation or metro-rhythmic problems) ? should be an indispensable part of a versatile piano education.}, title={Rola muzyki współczesnej w kształceniu pianistycznym - wybrane aspekty zagadnienia = The role of contemporary music in piano education - selected aspects}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={muzyka współczesna, kształcenie pianistyczne, contemporary music, piano education}, }