@misc{Krysiak_Łukasz_Identification, author={Krysiak, Łukasz and Falaciński, Paweł and Szarek, Łukasz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={One of the basic threats in terms of concrete used for tanks or ducts applied in wastewater management is the phenomenon of biogenic sulphate corrosion (BSC). BSC is a particular case of corrosion caused by the action of sulphuric acid (IV), which is formed as a result of a number of biochemical processes, which can take place, e.g. in an environment encountered within the aforementioned structures.}, abstract={Ions present in sulphuric acid react with cement hydration products, which leads to replacing the primary cement matrix components with compounds easily-soluble or highly-swelling during crystallization. The outcome of advanced corrosion is usually an observed formation of a white, amorphous, sponge-like mass, which is easily separated from the underlying concrete. The article discusses a case study of a BSC process in a newly constructed primary settling tank in a municipal wastewater treatment plant.}, title={Identification of biogenic sulphate corrosion of concrete in sewage treatment plant settling tank walls}, type={artykuł}, keywords={corrosion of concrete, sulphate corrosion, wastewater management, environmental protection, case study, korozja betonu, korozja siarczanowa, gospodarka ściekowa, ochrona środowiska, studium przypadku}, }