@misc{Kozioł_Michał_Possibility, author={Kozioł, Michał and Kozioł, Joachim}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={One group of plants commonly used for solids combustion are grate furnaces. These furnaces come in numerous design solutions, dedicated to fuels with different properties and plants with different capacities. The use of grate furnaces presents the as-yet unresolved challenge of how to ensure the most favourable air distribution along the length of the grate.}, abstract={The paper proposes a design solution to ensure proper air distribution along the length of the grate. An additional advantage of the proposed solution is the intensification of heat exchange in the furnace, enabling the boiler's circulating medium to be heated more efficiently. Both of the advantages allow an increase in the energy efficiency of the plant and therefore contribute to a reduction in the amount of fuel burned and CO2 emissions.}, title={Possibility of Improving Air Distribution and Heat Flow Conditions in Mechanical Grate Furnaces}, type={artykuł}, keywords={combustion, mechanical grate, furnace adjustment, furnace retrofit, low-emission combustion, combustion efficiency, air distribution, spalanie, ruszt mechaniczny, regulacja paleniska, modernizacja pieca, spalanie niskoemisyjne, efektywność spalania, dystrybucja powietrza}, }