@misc{Vishwakarma_Smily_A, author={Vishwakarma, Smily and Dharmendra, Dr}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={Pollutant removal by the mechanism of constructed wetland has led to low cost, highly efficient wastewater treatment technology. Constructed wetlands (CWs) are artificial engineered systems that mimic like natural wetlands. CW`s have been used in previous research to treat a broad range of waste streams at large-scale for low-cost application in wastewater management.}, abstract={Generally, the most literature has targeted a particular class of mechanism or the other due to lack of generalized techniques for wastewater management using CWs. This work focuses on to introductory information and review on concept of CWs based on the latest mechanisms for the wastewater treatment to inspire economical and sustainable solutions to water based environmental problems.}, abstract={This research emphasis CW mechanism, construction, design, and applications of CWs as well as optimization of CWs for the treatment of wastewater. This review also highlights the study with different treatment stages of CWs for removing pollutants from different types of wastewaters.}, title={A Critical Review on Economical and Sustainable Solutions for Wastewater Treatment Using Constructed Wetland}, type={artykuł}, keywords={wetlands, artificial wetlands, wastewater treatment, low-cost technology, tereny podmokłe, sztuczne tereny podmokłe, oczyszczanie ścieków, technologia niskokosztowa}, }