@misc{Jagiełowicz-Ryznar_Celina_Dynamic, author={Jagiełowicz-Ryznar, Celina}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski}, language={eng}, abstract={An analysis of the dynamic axle load of an automotive vehicle (AV) when it is driven on a mobile measurement platform is presented in this paper. During the ride, the time characteristic of the dynamic force N(t), acting on the axle, was recorded. The effect of the vehicle axle mass on the maximum dynamic force value and the dynamic coefficient were studied. On this basis it was attempted to calculate the total vehicle`s weight. Conclusions concerning the dynamic loads of the vehicle axles in relation to the reduced axle mass, were drawn. The optimal axle mass value, for which the dynamic coefficient reaches a minimum, was calculated.}, title={Dynamic axle load of an automotive vehicle when driven on a mobile measurement platform}, type={artykuł}, keywords={mechanic vibrations, dynamic loads, automotive vehicle axle}, }