@misc{Szkodny_Tadeusz_Differential, author={Szkodny, Tadeusz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski}, language={eng}, abstract={The paper presents a simple method of avoiding singular configurations of contemporary industrial robot manipulators of such renowned companies as ABB, Fanuc, Mitsubishi, Adept, Kawasaki, COMAU and KUKA. To determine the singular configurations of these manipulators a global form of description of the end-effector kinematics was prepared, relative to the other links. On the basis of this description , the formula for the Jacobian was defined in the end-effector coordinates.}, abstract={Next, a closed form of the determinant of the Jacobian was derived. From the formula, singular configurations, where the determinant?s value equals zero, were determined. Additionally, geometric interpretations of these configurations were given and they were illustrated. For the exemplary manipulator, small corrections of joint variables preventing the reduction of the Jacobian order were suggested. An analysis of positional errors, caused by these corrections, was presented.}, title={Differential kinematics of contemporary industrial robots}, type={artykuł}, keywords={kinematics, manipulators, mechanical system, robot kinematics}, }