@misc{Sarkar_Nantu_On, author={Sarkar, Nantu and Lahiri, Abhijit}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski}, language={eng}, abstract={The present paper deals with the thermoelastic plane waves due to a thermo-mechanical shock in the form of pulse at the boundary of a homogeneous, isotropic thermoelastic half-space. The field equations of the Green-Naugdhi theory without energy dissipation for an thermoelastic solid in the generalized thermoelasticity theory are written in the form of a vector-matrix differential equation using Laplace transform techniques and then solved by an eigenvalue approach.}, abstract={Exact expressions for the considered field variables are obtained and presented graphically for copper-like material. The characteristic features of the present theory are analyzed by comparing these solutions with their counterparts in other generalized thcrmoelasticity theories.}, title={On discontinuties in thermoelastic plane waves without energy dissipation due to a thermo-mechanical shock}, type={artykuł}, keywords={generalized thrmoelasticity, Green-Naghdi model, thermoelastic half-space, pulse function, eigenvalue approach}, }