@misc{Sawa_Anna_Standaryzacja, author={Sawa, Anna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The printing house, that worked in 1630-1667 in Lublin, published many funeral sermons, five of which are the basis of the present analysis. The structure of the analysed sermons is typical for this type of literary activity. They consist of the title page, the dedication letter and the main text of sermon. On the recto side of title page, there are such pieces of information as: the leitmotiv of the sermon, the name, surname and formal title (honorifc) of the deceased, the name, surname of the preacher with some information about him, the place and time of preach and the address where the sermon was issued.}, abstract={The reverse of the title page sometimes is not printed or there are some quotations, heraldic woodblock prints or other heraldic emblems. The dedication letter is always preceded by an inscription that points at the addressee and is finished by a subscription that suppresses contact. Finishing the dedication letter with the signature of preacher is also very common. The central part is started by a quotation from the Holy Bible and is finished by a prayerful formula. The typographical structure of the mentioned elements of funeral sermons issued in Lublin in 17th century attest to the intentional character of the solutions used by the printers.}, abstract={They expressed the structuralisation of text by using definite types of print in particular parts of the text, capital letters, unprinted space, text aligned to centre, adjusted text, text aligned to the right or starting new parts of the text on the new page. The standardization of funeral sermons from Lublin is marked at two levels: the level of the text and the typographical level.}, title={Standaryzacja struktury tekstu i jego ukształtowania typograficznego w lubelskich kazaniach pogrzebowych z XVII wieku = Standardization of the text`s Structure and its typographical Shape on the example of Lublin`s Funeral Sermons from 17th century}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={kazania pogrzebowe, struktura tekstu, typografia, funeral sermon, text`s structure, typography}, }