@misc{Żurek_Aleksandra_Formuły, author={Żurek, Aleksandra}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The aim of the article is to introduce the 19th-century formulas of the acts of baptism based on the example of register books of St. John`s parish in Warsaw from the years 1826-1867. After a brief introduction of the history of register books and the Polish Kingom`s applicable laws and regulations, the author presents the ways in which acts of baptism were written both in usual and unusual circumstances, for instance when the father of a child was unknown, or when baptism of an adult individual was performed.}, abstract={The unusual circumstances have been divided into two separate categories: the ones which were anticipated in the Civil Code and the ones which - due to their extraordinariness - were not described there. The analysis has shown that the acts were written in accordance with certain, repetitive formulas - therefore it is possible that perhaps some ready-made forms or questionnaires were already in use at the time.}, title={Formuły dziewiętnastowiecznych akt chrztu na przykładzie ksiąg metrykalnych warszawskiej parafii św. Jana Chrzciciela = 19th-century acts baptism formulas based on the example of register books of the St. John`s parish in Warsaw}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={antroponimia, akta metrykalne, chrzest, Warszawa, prawo, 19 w., anthroponomastics, parish registers, baptisms, Warsaw, 19th century, law}, }